Transmit iOS

StreamvideosandmusictoyouriPhone/iPad.TransferfilesbetweeniPhone/iPadandFTPserver.FEATURES:*AccessFTP(FTPoverTLS)server.*AccessSFTP ...,2023年9月18日—Directlyaccessandmanageremotefiles,edittextfiles.StreamvideosandmusictoyouriPhone/iPad.Transferf...。參考影片的文章的如下:


在App Store 上的「FTPManager - FTP, SFTP client」

Stream videos and music to your iPhone/iPad. Transfer files between iPhone/iPad and FTP server. FEATURES: * Access FTP (FTP over TLS) server. * Access SFTP ...

FTPManager - FTP, SFTP client on the App Store

2023年9月18日 — Directly access and manage remote files, edit text files. Stream videos and music to your iPhone/iPad. Transfer files between iPhone/iPad and ...

UploadDownload files from iPhone over FTP protocol

2012年8月10日 — Upload File to FTP Server on iPhone · 6 · Uploading and downloading via ftp with iPhone SDK · 0 · upload file into iphone app via ftp · 1 · FTP ...

Uploading with FTPManager (iPhone & iPad)

Go to the App Store on your iOS/iPadOS device and search for the FTPManager app. · To add a new FTP connection, tap the plus button in the upper-right corner.

Is there a way to make my phone an FTP server?

2023年1月6日 — Everything I've come across so far is just an app to connect to other ftp servers. I'm mainly looking for a way to browse my iphone file system.

FTPManager User Manual

FTPManager has a built-in FTP Server. You can use it to do massive file transfer between computer and iPhone/iPad. ... 1. Connect your iPhone/iPad and computer on ...

How to Connect to FTP and FTPS from your iPhone iPad

FTP is not currently supported by the iOS FIles app, however you can access FTP and FTPS with FileBrowser on iPhone and iPad, download the free trial of ...


StreamvideosandmusictoyouriPhone/iPad.TransferfilesbetweeniPhone/iPadandFTPserver.FEATURES:*AccessFTP(FTPoverTLS)server.*AccessSFTP ...,2023年9月18日—Directlyaccessandmanageremotefiles,edittextfiles.StreamvideosandmusictoyouriPhone/iPad.TransferfilesbetweeniPhone/iPadand ...,2012年8月10日—UploadFiletoFTPServeroniPhone·6·UploadinganddownloadingviaftpwithiPhoneSDK·0·uploadfileintoiphoneappviaftp...